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Here you can find all my publications. If you are looking for a Pdf or Slides of a Talk, please contact me via E-Mail or the contact formular.


Langer & Kügler 2023

Prosody-Syntax Interface and Hungarian Noun Phrases

Langer, Corinna & Kügler, Frank (2023) “Prosody-Syntax Interface and Hungarian Noun Phrases”. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS20). Ed. by R:. Skarnitzl and J. Volín. Prague: Guarant International, pp. 1290–1294.

Balogh & Langer 2022

Additive particles, prosodic structure and focus sensitivity in Hungarian.

Balogh, Kata & Langer, Corinna (2022). "Additive particles, prosodic structure and focus sensitivity in Hungarian". Linguistics, 60(1), 277-314. doi: 10.1515/ling-2021-0189.

Langer & Kügler 2021

Focus and Prosodic Cues in Hungarian Noun Phrases.

Langer, Corinna & Kügler, Frank (2021). "Focus and Prosodic Cues in Hungarian Noun Phrases". In: Proc. 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI), 219–223. doi: 10.21437/TAI.2021-45.

Conference Presentations

upcoming: 08/2025

Prosodic expression of focus in Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian complex noun phrases

Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum - Symposium B.11: Prosody of Uralic languages, Tartu, Estonia, 18-23 August 2025. Joined Talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler, Prof. Dr. Anja Arnhold and Dr. Nele Ots


Prosodic prominence within noun phrases in Finno-Ugric languages

DGfS 2024 AG10 “Prosody in Focus - Prominence Marking from Multiple Perspectives”. Bochum, Germany, 28 February - 01 March 2024. Joined talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler, Prof. Dr. Anja Arnhold & Dr. Nele Ots


Post-focal creaky voice? Prosodic disambiguation of syntactic ambiguities

DGfS 2024 AG10 “Prosody in Focus - Prominence Marking from Multiple Perspectives”. Bochum, Germany, 28 February - 01 March 2024. Alternate talk


Prosodic prominence within noun phrases in Finno-Ugric languages

OCP21 Workshop "Tone in Grammar (TiG)". Leipzig, Germany, 13 February. Joined talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler, Prof. Dr. Anja Arnhold & Dr. Nele Ots


Prosody-syntax interface and Hungarian noun phrases

20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences. 7-11 August. Joined Talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler


When Syntax and Semantics clash - Hungarian /is/ and Prosodic Focus Marking

International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian 16, Graz, Austria, 28-30 June 2023.


Phrase boundaries and pitch accents in Hungarian focus marking

Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum 18, Bielefeld, Germany, 06-07 October 2022. Joined Poster Presentation with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler


Focus and Prosodic Cues in Hungarian Noun Phrases

1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation, Sonderborg, Denmark, 06-09 December 2021. Joined Talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler


On accentuation in Hungarian noun phrases

International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian 15, Pécs, Hungary, 25-26 August 2021. Joined talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler


Akzentuierungsstrategien in ungarischen Nominalphrasen

Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum 16, Trier, Germany, 10-11 September 2020. Joined talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler


Additive particles: syntax-prosody interface and interpretation

International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian 14, Potsdam, Germany, 11-12 June 2019. Joined talk with Dr. Kata Balogh


Uses of the additive particle in Hungarian: investigations on the (syntax-)semantics-prosody interface

20th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland, 01-04 March 2019. Joined talk with Dr. Kata Balogh

Workshop Presentations


Meaningful differences in creaky voice

Poster at the Workshop: Voices in Contexts (University of Cologne) - A workshop on the prosody-pragmatics interface for early career researchers


When Syntax and Semantics clash - Prosody in Hungarian Focus Marking

Phonology in Frankfurt Roundtable


On accentuation in Hungarian NPs

Roundtable on Hungarian Intonation, Frankfurt, Germany, 20 January 2021. Joined talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler.


On the prosody of different scopes of the Hungarian additive particle is ‘also’

Roundtable on Hungarian Intonation, Frankfurt, Germany, 20 January 2021.


Hungarian prosody - A review

Roundtable on Hungarian Intonation, Frankfurt, Germany, 20 January 2021.

Other Presentations

upcoming: 01/2025

Production and perception of focus in Finno-Ugric language

LingTalks Göttingen 2025. Joined talk with Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler 21.01.2025


Post-focal creaky voice? - Prosodic disambiguation of syntactic ambiguities

Talk during my research stay at the HRCL in Budapest, 07.09.2023


Prosodic focus marking in Hungarian NPs - Experimental data on production and perception

Talk during my research stay at the HRCL in Budapest, 27.09.2022

Postal adress

Corinna Langer
Institut für Linguistik
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main




+49 (0) 69-798-32401

© 2023 Corinna Langer. Erstellt mit

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